What Are The Uses Of LPG In Cylinder?

LPG stands for Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and it is getting increasingly popular in different applications. It is mostly a mixture of butane having a chemical formula C4H10 and propane having a chemical formula C3H8. It is frequently being used as a refrigerant and is replacing the use of CFC to reduce the damage to the ozone layer. It is widely used as LPG in cylinder as an efficient fuel in recreation, agriculture, hospitality, sailing, industrial construction, and various other purposes.
It can be handy for cooking gas: It is used for cooking purpose in several countries as it is very convenient to use and economical. Since the pipe city gas is not available in various parts of the country, it remains the best source of cooking gas.  In many suburban villages in India and many public housing estates, LPG fuelled stoves remains the only available source of for cooking appliance.
It is very widely used in rural heating: LPG cylinders can be very useful to provide heat in many rural parts of the country and remains as the best alternative to electricity. It is also used in many areas for the heating purpose where the LPG pipeline has not been installed. It is also highly effective for combined heat and power or CHP technology for generating useful heat and electrical power from a single fuel source. 
It can also be combined with the renewable power source and can provide more excellent reliability and can achieve very low CO2 emissions. It can be used as a standalone source of energy at a very low price as compared to the costly electrical energy source.
LPG can be used as a motor fuel: The internal combustion engines of automobiles can be fuelled adequately by LPG, and for this reason, it is also termed as auto gas. It is widely used as a petrol alternative in many countries, and in India, it is getting popular rapidly. With the addition of some additive, LPS can extend the life of the engine, and it maintains an accurate rate of butane to propane.
LPG fuel-oil mix can significantly reduce the fuel consumption and smoke emissions as well as it is low in CO2 discharge.  It is non-corrosive, non-toxic and has a high octane rating, and it burns more cleanly than petrol or any other fuel-oil.  It can be economical for use as automobile fuel, and it can save a lot of money for a common man for using the vehicle with LPG.
It is also used in refrigeration: LPG in cylinder is efficient in providing proper cooling through gas absorption refrigeration technique. It has very low global warming potential, and it can replace several harmful refrigerants easily. It can be very well used in air conditioning systems, and it is now encouraged to use LPG widely for coolant in air conditioning purpose.


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